Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: August Birthstone ((Late post/Short)) Blogger Widgets

Friday, August 1, 2014

August Birthstone ((Late post/Short))

Hewwo Jammers and Diamonds X3 I am sooo sorry that I didn't post earlier, I was at church today daddy was preaching lol. <:3 Anywhoozies um today is August 1st and it is time for the newest Birthstone ^^ this months birthstone is The (NEW!) Peridot Birthstone: The Peridot is associated with protection from evil. It is also believed to greatly enhance the effect of healing drugs. [[Quirky Fact :P]] this item is ((Members Only)) and the price is: $1,500.00 Gems. 


  1. I love this birthstone because it's august and my bday is this month

  2. Aww cool, I will try to find you a nice gift soon c: 2 months till mine lol

    1. But this is the last month of summer vacation :)

  3. But the sad part is it's the last month of summer vacation:(

  4. Thank you. I hope this is a better style for the blog or so <:3 I had a lot of googling to do this to help me X3


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