Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: **Sigh** Annoying Parts Of My Life :s 1# Blogger Widgets

Thursday, July 31, 2014

**Sigh** Annoying Parts Of My Life :s 1#

So... a normal day in Aldan in Appondale, just trying to trade and what not :s and then comes Miss Snowpaw... she asks "Do you have a purple long spike Zombie?" I says "Yes." then she says "Put it on list..." so yeah here I go :P and she has a few items on her list that I don't want then she asks me "My list for your spike?" then I say "No thank you, sorry." then she says "I see... you need an UNFAIR trade don't you. :T" I don't even know what to say anymore.. then she tells me "Your just some stuck up nm! Who is to selfish to trade like everyone here aren't you." and all I say is "No...?" then she calls AJHQ and says "They said your gonna be banned for 2 months next week." and i'm just thinking "Looking foward to it... -_-" but I just stayed silent and shes screaming at me saying "And by the way I was recording! HAHA!" i'm like has this girl lost her mind..? o-0" I knew people hated me but wow... :s guess i'm that easy to hate. Anywayz this has been the best of: swirlcat999 :T Someone who will get angry at you when you decline a trade... gawd.


  1. Does she not know what a far long spike is worth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT PROB WORTH 3-5 BETAS

  2. But still just because u didn't accept it doesn't mean your mean your awesome!!!

    1. Thanks Vi :3 *Sigh* I just hope there's not more people like that out there :T

    2. There prob is she was just lieing tho and of there is sometimes you just gotta be mean!!!!!! Sometimes I have to do that:(

  3. Here's some adive to make your blog more popular I just really wanna help you get more popular :)
    Well if you really wanna you can change the background u don't have to I love the background btw
    And you need more gadgets kind of and more tabs about aj :) Like maybe some scamming tips,betas, rares maybe? Idk other then that your blog is amzing

    1. Ohh thank chu <3 and I wanted to but um Fang never told me how and I um didn't wanna bother her about it. I also wanna change my music but i'm scared if I will mess up something D:> and your blog is awesome to Violet thank you :3

  4. :s I totally don't want to bother you with this question but how do I work the gadgets or where to find them?

  5. Well some you find online but to get to them you have to go to layout then u should find put how to get to the,

  6. Oh okay I will practice on our old blog kk :P

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