Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: Epic Antlers x3 (Late post :T) Blogger Widgets

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Epic Antlers x3 (Late post :T)

Hewwo Jammers and Diamonds :3 sorry about the late post had to go to store and get some stuff for fam with mum :T lawl today's newest item is: NEW! Epic Antlers ^^ I really like this item I don't know why x3 these antlers like good on almost any animal (Especially deer...)  [[Members only]] again I congratulate Animal Jam they have gotten better at drawing and animating more realastic items <:3 my buddy Blue is a bit worried about the Otter if it may be to small, To animated etc lol honestly I don't care.. ITS A NEW ANIMAL! X3 so sorry for this being such a late post, love you guys.


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