Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: Sslither under the table :P (Newest Items Post :3) Blogger Widgets

Friday, July 25, 2014

Sslither under the table :P (Newest Items Post :3)

Hewwo Jammers and Diamonds :3 today's newest item is... The (NEW!) Beta Table [[Members Only]] obviously some people are gonna say "This isn't beta!" :T because people just care about betas these days I guess..? Well I just gld they adding some new items x3 I knew the party wasn't as bad as people said it was :D and whats cool is we were all standing in what used to be a Beta Den. [[For those of you who care about betas and that rubbish :T lol it's pixels...]] Le price is: $300.00 Gems. Anywhoozies next item :):):):):) -->
The newest Summer Carnival item is... The (NEW!) Snake Balloon Hat XDD [[Members Only]] this is a really funny looking hat X3 (I've held a corn snake before :3 they are so cute lol and i've held a big snake before it wrapped around my neck but I still liked him o.o") The price for this item is...: $2,000.00 Tickets kinda... overpriced :P but what would I know. lol


  1. Sssssssnnnnnnaaaaaaakkkkkkkkeeeeeeeee

  2. Since the ajstarlight isn't working do u mind if I make it? Then I'll send u an administrAtor request and u can do whatever u want on it?

  3. Hm sure I guess :P can we delete the ajstartlight later? X3?? just askin' lol


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