Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: Rare Monday Post/Random Question Day >:3 Blogger Widgets

Monday, August 18, 2014

Rare Monday Post/Random Question Day >:3

Hewoo Jammers X3 Today's newest item is...: (Rare) Flip Flops :P Eh not really liking the rare items lately ^^" anywhoozies! Le price for this item ish: $900.00 Gems [[Members Only]] this item can be located in Jam Mart Clothing my screen capture thing isn't working soo this picture was borrowed from Violet's post lol T,T pwease forgive meee... XDD also a its RANDOM QUESTION DAY! lol this is something I thought when I was younger "Where do you think shooting stars go?" -Me X3 where do you think they go?


  1. Lol maybe the stars go into a planet? And that's ok that borrowed that pic also would you like to be an author of Jamaa's Scacker destination? And if so I need 3 facts about u so people know about u

    1. Hmm... Maybe <:3 what do you mean by facts btw x3??

  2. Oh well um 1. I love dragons X3 2. I am an Animal Jam artist and animator well begging on animations :P 3. I try stand by my friends and family. c: der 3 things XDD

  3. XDD first what is the Jamaa Sacker destination?

  4. Nvm found it :3 sure lol


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