Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: 5,000 Views o3o/New Items! (Pictures Not Mine :P) Blogger Widgets

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

5,000 Views o3o/New Items! (Pictures Not Mine :P)

Oh my gosh... 5,000 Views?! x'3 Thank you sooo much guys! ^^ A'ight so i'll be brief about this one... :P it is freakin' hawt -_- which is why... o3o for only $400.00 Gems you can by le (NEW!) Leaf Fan...
This item can be located in Serpia Forest and good news...: Its Non Member :3 purchase one now if you can and cool down in Jamaa :P Lets all just try to survive this heat T-T 

Oh and late post :T I saw these on a deer yesterday XDD and I was just thinking "What are those...? o_o" so searched around for a few minutes and found them Branch Antlers! ^-^ I think these are an interesting item in my prospective.. The price for this item is $1,750 Gems [[Members Only]] this item can located in Epic Wonders. 


  1. Nice 5000 views you should have a party of something soon! How many pageviews do u get per day

    1. Maybe :o X3 but I don think no1 will come heheh

    2. If its at a time I can go then I will come!

    3. Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hey X-ray look you got a new commentor!

    4. Aww ty guys x3 and yey :3 mwhahahahahaha ):3 lawl


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