Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: Hello Hawaii! :D/My first music video with my bff Cupcake ^^ Blogger Widgets

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Hello Hawaii! :D/My first music video with my bff Cupcake ^^

Hewwo Jammers and Diamonds ^^ today's newest item is: The (New!) Hula Skirt! o3o [[Members Only]] I find this item cute in a way :3 heheh may be its just the flowers I dunno X3 anywhhozies the price for this item is: $500.00 Gems and is located in Jam Mart Clothing.

Today me and one of my best friends Cupcake x3 made a music video together for the first time ^^ I had a lot of laughs and fun making it with her :3 and I hope we can do it again sometime to. Enjoy our ajmv of Whats does da fox say?! XDD
#Thatfrogdoe B3 hehe


  1. We never finished the problem one :)

  2. >:3 Mwhahahahaha *Coughs* LOL ^^ and welcome back from campin :):):):)

  3. You are very welcome miss U , U lol


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