Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: Blue bandit? ):3 **Cute stories** [[Pics nu mine]] Blogger Widgets

Monday, August 25, 2014

Blue bandit? ):3 **Cute stories** [[Pics nu mine]]

Hewwo Jammers and Diamonds ^-^ today is "Rare" Monday and we all know what that means right..? Rare Item time!!! :D Introducing the (Rare!) Raccoon Tail and it came in the color i've always wanted x3 Blue! Heheh. The price for this item is: $5,000 Tickets and is located at Summer Carnival :3.

Back in 2012 when I was little- well littler :P XDD me and my family were trying to sleep and me and my sis were camping down stairs (We had to put that tent to use lolz) then we heard some rattling. Dad opened the door and when he came back in he said "Girls come here!" and at first I was thinking "We in trouble again? X'D" then when we went out... a baby raccoon was in our recycling bin <3 he was sooo cute. Eventually he was taken to the zoo I bet he is growing up just fine c: I named him RJ from one of my favorite movies Over the hedge X3

Raccoon's and their cute little masks makes them look like bandits sometimes but... in a cute way ;3 hey, god put that mask on them for a reason Lawl.

Raccoon's one of my favorite animals.


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