Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: "Please take your seat"/Last Day Of The Claw Blogger Widgets

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

"Please take your seat"/Last Day Of The Claw

Herro again everyone sorry that I am make another late post :P I was at the hospital with my big brother again to check on him <:s I started to cry a bit I couldn't even look at him I kept starring out the window :( eventually we started talking and he made me feel better "I love you bro :'3 please stay with me." -Ashley Ahem! Anywhoozies T-T lol this is pretty much ehh the same post I made yesterday except (Chair Version...) x3 The (NEW) Terrace Chair for the table to match --> 

Also today is The Last Day of The Claw so possibly... something new may take its place in the Diamond Shop -3- *Interesting* so this is uh kind of a "deja vu moment" XD erm...
so have a nice day Jammers and Diamonds :D also thank you all so much for the 2,970 Views I really appreciate it. Bye <3


  1. What happened to your brother:(

  2. He... he had an infection in his apenndix D: idk what happened to him he had to have surgery I feel like crying whenever I talk about it :'( I don't wanna loose Jerad.

  3. It's ok :) as long as u got your family everything will be alright I remember when my grandpa died:(

    1. ohh mine did to :(:(:(:(:(:( i'm so sorry

  4. Also im don't think your gonna loose him:):):):):):):):):):):):):):) because I don't think u die if u have a n infection:)

    1. I guess your right <:s I just really love him lol **sigh** like he said "I'm your brother I can survive anything! >:D" xD mum said if he's still talking crazy he's fine :)

    2. How did he get the infection anyways?

    3. No one really knows he just said he had a pain for 3days and then didn't tell anybody :/ like grandma would at the last minute heh heh... (Family habbit T-T lawl)


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