Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: Am I Getting Hacked? Blogger Widgets

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Am I Getting Hacked?

Whelp guy's i've noticed some of my stuff turned invisible but is still there and that the sign in button was ranodomly place somewhere soo AJHQ may be getting hacked again :P lol I don't know if I am some of my stuff have been going invisible so kinda creeped out if I do get hacked i'll just earn my stuff Spikes, founders etc lol ily guys bai :3


  1. I hope not to everyones stuff went invisible my buddy Natty thought I was messing with her I was very serious DX cuz her stuff went invisible to lol but I think i'll be okii

  2. That's what I was thinking aswell.


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