Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: End of the rainbow!!! X'3 (Rare Monday Item) Blogger Widgets

Monday, July 14, 2014

End of the rainbow!!! X'3 (Rare Monday Item)

Herro and goodmorning Jammers and Diamonds :3 today's Rare Item is... The (Rare) Spiked Mohawk [[Members Only]] this rare item is a rainbow colored "Mohawk" with the colors of: Blue, green, yellow and red also the price for this item is: $900.00 Gems. This item can be bought in Jam Mart Clothing today!

This has been the weekly Rare Monday Item post.


  1. We should make a blog then share and we both can post on it and then we both can edit

  2. Hehe sounds fun c: you could make it and I will tell you how to send me an invite to the blog or you can ask Fang how if you want.

  3. Maybe x3 what shall we name it? btw

  4. I was honking aj starlight? Maybe name would u like?

  5. Hmm I like it :D lol

  6. Can u please make the blog please:):)


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