Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: Its A Tie! o.0 Blogger Widgets

Monday, June 30, 2014

Its A Tie! o.0

The (New) Rare Freedom Tie :D we are um probably gonna get a lot of freedom rares these past few weeks since its you know, about to be July and such also I hope you all go see the fireworks this year :3 I accidentally missed them last year when I was 10 X3 (I fell asleep to lonnggggg LOL)  sadly like the fireworks on July 4th its only a temporary Rare lol so get it now this Monday.


  1. If you were 10 last year and 11 this hear we might be the same age!
    Did I turn 11 this year?

  2. Sorry if this is personal but your great friend and we might have a lot of things in comman

  3. Actually yeah I think we are the same age lol i'm turning 12 this year but at the moment i'm 11 so I think we are the same age o.o X3

  4. Your one year older!! Btw since we didn't have any ideas for the movie I thought of the detective idea and I'm making a script I will post the script on your blog I hope I'm not hogging the video ideas I'm sorry if I am tho

  5. Cool! X3 Btw you not hogging it :3 your idea you should have more ideas and more credit then meh right? And i'm looking foward to reading your script.

  6. I think all the lines are fair tho if you want I can give u more lines?

  7. Eh whatever you wanna :P lol idk

  8. I'll post the script on my blog when I'm done and then you can edit some changes to it


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