Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: Facts About HarmonyBarf9 Blogger Widgets

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Facts About HarmonyBarf9

1: I love to SpeedPaint
2: I eat GhostPeppers
3: I sleep with my dog
4: I'm lesbian
5: I just farted
6: I'm Obsessed with DA
7: My art sucks
8: My art sucks
9: My art sucks
10: My art sucks

My art SUCKS. I'm cringing looking at this :-2


Yeah I suck.


  1. Replies
    1. Hey, if you keep practicing, it will improve! That's where all artists start and trust me; you'll be like the bigger AJ artists after 1-2 years, only if you practice everyday! :D

    2. In the future I hope I get better than Shayloxx and Felispirit.

    3. Your art is awesome and if you disagree I will judge you very harshly. XDDD

  2. 10 facts about AJkarp

    1. I am a chicken-fish hybrid
    2. I can fly
    3. I live in a box
    4. Sometimes I instead live in one of 2 bins labeled mcsm trash and just trashy trash
    5. I command an army of beetles
    6. Whenever I draw people they look like aliens(this is actually true lol)
    7. I write really bad fanfictions that nobody reads
    8. My best friend is a tree named Gary
    9. I collect pencil sharpeners
    10. My favourit food is...



    PS your art doesn't suck. Everybody starts somewhere!

    1. My number 1 tip- draw again, and again, and again. Keep on drawing similar things. It took me 3 years to get to my stage. My first drawings of the AJA characters look like blobs. Your art actually has form, and even if you don't think its good yet, you WILL get better. Just believe in yoself


    2. Ur art rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Facts about me
      1. I am alive
      2. I love pizza
      3. I love sports
      4. I hate rares and show offs
      5. Fav color is blue
      6.My art sucks
      7. My art SUCKS
      8: My art sucks
      9: My art sucks
      10. MY ART SOCKS

  3. Guys, why are you saying your art sucks?! It doesn't! And please don't answer saying "it sucks" because it DOESN'T! You guys gotta believe in yourself.

    Here's some facts about me
    1. I love my blogging community
    2. I own Animal Jam Jumble
    3. I am Lostfairy
    4. I love reading
    5. I love my family
    6. I like the colors pink and yellow (or the whole rainbow, I can't always decide)
    7. I know God is in love with everyone
    8. I love AJ
    9. I think everyone's art is beautiful
    10. I love drawing

    1. Ooh! My turn!

      1. I hope to become one of the only famous AJ YouTubers that DON'T care AT ALL about earning rares
      2. I can look at a picture for the first time and draw it almost identically
      3. The only color I don't like like is barf green
      4. I'm WAY too in love with art
      5. I honestly have more close blogger friends than I do IRL
      6. I'm a Christian
      7. I hate when people underestimate me
      8. Nature calms me down and helps me relax when I'm angry or stressed
      9. I was a BIG-TIME dog lover when I was younger, but now I love dogs and cats equally
      10. I check 17 blogs, including mine, every day

  4. Here's some REAL facts about me lol

    1. I am a human being
    2. Apart from my friends, I feel like everyone else at my school hates me
    3. I've been blackmailed on animal jam before and I was miserable for a long time
    4. I have two insane dogs called Scooter and Pepper. They remind me of Bepper and Aparri. Sometimes I even accidentally call Pepper Bepper XD
    5. I have a really unhealthy mcsm obsession
    6. I collect alcohol based markers, webkinz, those animal jam toys and Minecraft stuff
    7. I made a shrine to honor Reuben
    8. My computing teacher is Donald trump
    9. I write too many stories lol
    10. I draw too much


  5. DA? Is that deviant art? Im obsessed too CX


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