Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: Long Awaited Post... Blogger Widgets

Monday, July 25, 2016

Long Awaited Post...

Sup Jammers!
Anyways, today is the day, The day of all days. The day when we REVEAL THE FASHION CONTEST WINNER!!

Remember, the winner get these items:
Rare Angel Wings and a Masterpiece, saying Follow Your Dreams >-< (don't judge how corny I am.)

First, I'd like to thank ALL participants!

We had to first say goodbye, to Countess Quietclaws (2fangwolf)
And then we had a double elimination.
I had to break all this down because IT WAS A CLOSE WIN!!
Before, I announce the winners, please do not bloat in the comments, or be dramatic or a sore loser, or you will be banned from entering any further contests on the Dream Miner AJ Blog.

Commander II
Leaping II

Well, by unanimous vote, Congrats to LOSTFAIRY!! Your prizes will be sent momentarily...

Signing Off,


  1. I'm not Teensy! I tried to enter but it was a day late! o.o Who is the real winner?

  2. I am sorry for the mix-up everyone! Instead of Lostfairy, replace it with warriorcat20049!!!
    Congrats :)

  3. Commander The Dog better be out for good! Or we are gone have a BAD TIME ( ut reference)


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