Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: Updates + New Items? Blogger Widgets

Friday, October 3, 2014

Updates + New Items?

Herro Jammers. X3 Today's newest item is: The Creature Mask! [Members Only] and more Halloween items coming back everyday ^^ sooo I will be starting with thank you for the birthday party mum and dad :) I couldn't stop smiling last night XD also thank you for my gifts: Beard, Worn, NM Sword and more. 

So lets start with the new adventure Bitter Sweets (Orignally known as the so called hacked adventure TBA) X3 so don't even worry about it mmk? This adventure lets you be any pet you want and like eagles you are timed... you won't be getting any betas BUT you will be getting "Sweets"  each amount of candy you get will give you a chest filled with a Candy Based item.


  1. Um Xray your blog has triangles with ! In them everywhere...

  2. yeah zombie you have not been play aj for along time plz tell me what happening! :C

  3. zombie im trying to not cry plz just tell me if your ok plz..... :r


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