Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: Join Transformice! Blogger Widgets

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Join Transformice!

Hey guys just wanted to say i'm gonna join Transformice for a while my profile name is: Pikachanixxx (XDD don't ask why...) and i'm new so gonna see how I like it <:3 I know there's swearing, bullying etc :T lol as does every game has DX


  1. I made an account on it but I'm so confused

  2. :3 Lol It's fine I don't know either.. X3 I already has like 26 Cheese >:3 heheh i'm a terrible shaman doe :T lol


Commenting Rules:
1) No bullying, rude messages, or offensive language.
2) No inappropriate content.
3) No stealing someone's exact words (that's plagiarism and it's illegal).
4) Never post anything that could embarrass you later -- you'll regret it!

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