Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: #happybdayaj Blogger Widgets

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Ohhh my goodness ^^ well Jammers and (My Diamonds ;3) it has been 4 Years :o since Animal Jam has been here if only I could send them a gift X3 *Holds up box and pushes it to computers face >:3* anywhoozies Happy Birthday Animal Jam! :D I've had such a great time on Animal Jam and you all made it possible <3


  1. HAPPY BDAY AJ!!!! Happy early bday xray!

  2. X3 Tank you :3 no ones ever remembered except my parents and sisters lolz.

  3. October 2nd XD so yeah October

  4. Okie I'll give you a bday present that day :)

  5. <3 Aw tank chu your so sweet heheh.


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