Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: Cleopatra + 6,000 Views Blogger Widgets

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Cleopatra + 6,000 Views

Hewwo Jammers and Diamonds. Today's newest item is: The (New!) Egyptian Hat! [Members Only] Although this does not look like any hat... it looks pretty much like how Cleopatra's hair and headpiece looked a while back. When I was younger I watched a movie about Egypt it scared me to think about what would happen if I was put in a box all by my self and became a "Mummy" XDD anyways this item can be located in Jam Mart Clothing today and costs: 500.00 Gems :P 

Thank you all for 6,000 Views <3 I been a little sad this weekend lately <:3 but i'll be back feeling better I guess.. have a great day in Jamaa today! :)


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