Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: Tiki Palooza/Horse Claw trotting away [[Last day]] Blogger Widgets

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Tiki Palooza/Horse Claw trotting away [[Last day]]

Hewwo Jammers and Diamonds c: sowwie about not posting yesterday a few things went on. Yesterday's newest item was: The Tall Tiki Table! ((Non Member)) Le price is: $400.00 Gems. 

Today's newest item is: The (NEW!) Tiki Lawn Chair :D ((Members Only)) the price for this item is: $400.00 Gems. Both items can be located in Jam Mart Clothing and they have more tiki items then that come to Jamaa and check it out.

Also I kind of waited to post this but... today is the last day for The Horse Claw so there may be a new item to replace it my friend Blue says its another O.o what do you think and what plushie will be next? 
[[Leave Comments Below x3]] Okii bai guys ^^


  1. I think the seals might be next actually

  2. Yup or bunnies something small I think lol

  3. X-ray are you ok I haven't hear from you for like 5 days is everything ok?


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