Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: History of Jamaa Blogger Widgets

Saturday, August 30, 2014

History of Jamaa

Animal Jam was first created in Wed, Oct 1, 2010 and the center was then named Jamaa Township. Long ago used to be seen wondering Jamaa such as Graham, Liza, Greely and etc. The Pillow Room was originally a room for story telling and making friends, for what reason over time it turned into a room for "Adoption" as people say. Including that the Temple Of Zios held the Monkey Statue in its center before the Ruins Of Zios were put upon it, over the years Animal Jam began its transformation for the so called "New Generation" although Jamaa has changed the spirits of the alphas were watch over the new Jammer's that come and go and try their very best to keep them in their place.

1 comment:

  1. I wish that the Pillow Room was a story room again. I like it as a story room and party room :l and a room to be happy :e :b


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