Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: Drama in Jamaa :T Blogger Widgets

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Drama in Jamaa :T

"What's becoming of this world?!?! :(" - 2fangwolf
Apparently people arguing about a black top hat that got scammed... if you don't want it to be scammed don't trade it! -_- And NEVER do trust or flash. I don't think i'm going to Aldan for a long time unless my friend just happens to be there. :/ 2013 Why did you leave me..? :s

My mum always says: "You have a choice to be kind to others around you or to just turn away and go on with your life alone, to be a fair sport and move or to be unfair and don't let go of the past." -Mum 

Well mama these people have made their choices :/ you call my generation lucky? XD At least you had a smarter generation than us to argue over pixels... :P

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