Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: Patching things up =-= Blogger Widgets

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Patching things up =-=

Goodmorning Jammers and Diamonds! :D The (NEW) Patched Couch (Okay so... its just a long version of the Patched Chair T,,T) Anyway its kind of odd that when I looked it was on the second row o.0??? Ehh well this is today's newest item for the moment I hope you all had a wonderful Fourth of July yesterday :3 x3 P.S I had to watch them from the window. lol also um me and Violet made a new movie I will try to publish if I can... something called Google Drive :s keeps stopping me.


  1. :( why can't u post it stupid google drive:(

  2. What happened if I tryed to do it with google drove?

  3. It wont let you open the file ever not on anything :( idk how to open it lol I don't understand why they would let me make a video then lock it in so I can't watch :s o-o

  4. maybe if I find a sign in button I can fix it >:3 hummmmmmm idk yet.


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