Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: Hatapalooza: (NEW) Diamond Tiara (Short post :s) Blogger Widgets

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Hatapalooza: (NEW) Diamond Tiara (Short post :s)

Good morning Jammers and Diamonds :3 Hatapalooza introduces... The (NEW!) Diamond Tiara 
(Members Only) this item is also located at Epic Wonders, and has anyone noticed that the old diamond tiara is GONE? o.0 the price of this item is the same as the Diamond Crown: $1,250.00 Gems. So if you like diamonds and just so happen to have I don't know $1,250.00 gems lol now may be the time to spend them if you want..


  1. Replies
    1. *Nods* He's doing wonderful now I think c: they finally took him out of the hospital so he's at home resting.

  2. Thanks guys. lol

  3. I hope the infection doesn't come back

    1. Same here Vi <:) i'm just glad its over


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