Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: Shout Out! for 2fangwolf :) Blogger Widgets

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Shout Out! for 2fangwolf :)

Thank you so much for helping me update my blog and since you've been so sweet i'm making you a banner :D I hope it turns out well :p and I wish you luck on your blog to and your one of my best friends so uh thanks for not giving up on me like most X'3 and i'm sorry that I haven't made any recent art or videos lately i've been busy often so yeah. Anyway this is a small shout out :3 Thank you Cynthia. ( , (    
Banner for 2fangwolf and q1zx sorry if it turned out badly :s but hey, I tried right <:3 anywhoozies this is for The Aj Sunshine Blog
2fangwolf & q1zx
Banner By: DreamMinerAJX3 Blog

(I do not own the art of Fang at the top all credit to the person who made it :D)


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