Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: Hacked :P Blogger Widgets

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Hacked :P

Fmann got me lol but i'm okay I got all my betas out and more things <:3 and the eagle adventure is still here so who says I cant get some more betas :) My sister is shocked of how well im taking this XD anywhoozies my new animal jam name is Xrayzombie67684 and again i'm fine I just hope all my friends will add me back and recognize me lol so this has been Ice or Xray whatever love you guys. And look on the bright side I will still have my friends and I can get freechat. But many people will not add me back they just laugh in my face :/ so i'm lucky I have Cassandra189 Savymoon1 and Honeystartsky :3 hope Fang will add me back too.
I will wait to get my membership back. In the mean time, it's good to be a nm again :3
    And if Iceheart29637 is on that is not me, never again :P that's just some empty use someone stole now lol


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