Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: Gazelle Horns are BACK?! o,,o Blogger Widgets

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Gazelle Horns are BACK?! o,,o

:D Gazelle Horns are back guy's get them now only $250.00 now what else do you think Animal Jam is bringing back? :P?


  1. To me they shouldn't be bring back betas like I know. It kind of stops scamming but that is what people do on aj it's natural I got scammed twice I lost some rares but I moved on I still play aj I don't care about those rares now I have moved on from scamming

  2. But still it's still fun to get betas and try to get them I know they brought betas back to eagle adventure but still I like that because it's hard tot get betas from there :)

  3. Did u post the videos we made yesterday?

  4. Yes it is very fun to get the betas... still i think its weird that ppl are mad about it and btw someone did scam my friend with gazzies

  5. Still trying to post lol it keeps saying error, I use Record Screencast for my chrome book computer. And yeah it's still fun :) some people complain about the situation but I just ignore and be happy myself and Happy Fathers Day guy's! :D

  6. Sadly chrome doesn't support screencastomatic :(


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