Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: Leaving Blogger Widgets

Monday, December 17, 2018


Hey guys! It’s been a while huh? As you can clearly see I haven’t been active at all on this blog. It’s pretty correct to assume that I left. ( Which I have ) Anyway I feel like it’s more proper to say a farewell on this blog rather than just posting it on the group. I’ve grown out of Animal Jam. I’m a Highschool freshman and I feel like it’s appropriate to leave. I have lots of nice memories with the blogger community and I have made many blogger friends who I wouldn’t change for the world. 
 Farewell Jammers, 
CanineClaw “HarmonyPurr9”


  1. Aw, this makes me sad. You will be missed Canine. I hope to talk to you in the future.

  2. (this is sooo late DX)
    We'll really miss you Canine DX :c


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