Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: How to be popular in Animal Jam (skit) Blogger Widgets

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

How to be popular in Animal Jam (skit)

haha lil' disclaimer here: This post is a SKIT! Please keep this in mind before you hate on this. I did not mean to offend anyone, but if it offends you, please let me know and I'll take care of it :). Hope you guys have fun reading this! <3
Wassup Fam?
Its ya girl Cooky coming back at cha with another AWESOME post on the best blog eva, The Dream Miner AJ!

Now, I know you guys aren't famous at all, so I, the most famous AJ Blogger, will show you how to hopefully make a bunch of friends and be famous like me!

First of all, you need to buy a membership. I personally like to steal my parent's credit card ad pay for a six months membership. Its a fun challenge to get into Mom's purse!

Second, you need to hack people. But don't talk about it. That way, you get really rare without trying. The little kids get so angry and its sooooooooooo cute! lolol

Third, you need to buddy everyone you can. But only members. Cuz non-members suck. 

That's all kiddies! See you soon! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee!

😜cooky :)

Good lord, I hated talking like that. Welp,  hope you enjoyed <3

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