Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: Bonsaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii o3o lawl (Pictures Not Mine) Blogger Widgets

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Bonsaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii o3o lawl (Pictures Not Mine)

Hewwo Jammers and Diamonds x3 sowwie for not posting Zombeh had to nothing to post about :P anywhoozies today's newest item is: Le (New!) Bonsai Tree I had a tree like this when I was younger :) it was peaceful watering it by the window..., also the price for this item is: $350 Gems and can be located in Serpai Forest.

Also Thank you Fang for the new banner <3 Meh and Toothless thank you x3 heheh.


  1. Mhm ;3 I love it heheh

    1. You should turn on comments for anonymous :) So then maybe you will get more commentors? And like I said before maybe you should add some pages about aj like its culture, scammers And hackers, alphas, and ext

  2. I don't know how to do that but I will add some pages I guess :P


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