Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: Misty The Deer: The Birthday Rescue! (Plushie Comic Coming Soon) Blogger Widgets

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Misty The Deer: The Birthday Rescue! (Plushie Comic Coming Soon)

Comic Intro: Its Misty's birthday :D but when everything seems to be going perfect... she's kidnapped! o.o Can her friends save her..? And who kidnapped Misty!? Find out on my first plushie comic. :3 

OKAY... Erm so this is my first comic Misty The Deer: Birthday Rescue c:> I'm really nervous about making it since this is my first time doing this and stuff (It took alot of photoshop to make the cover x3) i'm mostly making for Violet to see how I do on my first time and since she gave me the idea. Wish me luck! :)
By: Xrayzombie67684


  1. Maybe u can get some tips from belletherhino :) also I feel really bad for pink:(

  2. :3 Yeah and meto :(


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