Black Bat 2 The DreamMiner AJ Blog: 3,000 Views! ermahgerd x3 lawl ft. Rhinos are back?! Blogger Widgets

Thursday, July 10, 2014

3,000 Views! ermahgerd x3 lawl ft. Rhinos are back?!

Herro Jammers and Diamonds x3 Animal Jam has updated lately so welcome to Animal Jam Update week! 
Today Rhino's have returned to jamaa :D as you know Animal Jam has been bringing back African animals such as Giraffe, Hyena and now Rhino ((They sadly took off Lion though :s)) Anywhoozies lol they're back from their travels (Members Only) and go check the (NEW) Rhino Exhibit in the Conversation Room and learn some new Rhino Facts :) 

Have you ever wondered on the first sea adventure "Why are the phantoms polluting the waters? o.0" well it's because of The Phantom Factory! |)o3o(| can you stop them? Go try the new sea adventure In Too Deep ((Which has a Blue Whale with a top hat #fabulousss xD)) in the newest adventure now on Animal Jam.

Coming Soon to the Summer Carnival (NEW) Carnival Prizes are coming such as the Dino Tail and few new ones such as the Pizza Hat and the Umbrella Hat o-o erm I don't know but if you think its taking so long try passing the time by saving up on tickets and play the newest game Dunk-A-Phantom :P (Poor phantoms T-T Lawl **Sobs**) 

Jamaalidays in July?! Many people have been giving Animal Jam reports that the Jamaaliday Jam aka the wonderful Winter Party has been showing up in the middle of July o.o soo possibly Animal Jam is bringing back a few Cool Items for this snowy party! :D Also Hatapalooza is starting so all hats everywhere are now 50% Off Be sure to check every single Shop to find all your favorite hats.

And thank you all so much for the 3,000 views <3 I wish luck on all the blogs I know aswell 

This has been the Animal Jam Update weekly post! Have a great day :D bye.


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